July 15, 2007

So, that was a video of Sierra reading. She absolutely loves to read! She'll go into her room, pick a book, hand it to me, and then climb into my lap. I'll read it to her and she'll turn the pages. Most of the time she actually lets me read the whole book and she listens to every word, but occassionally she just wants to sit on my lap and turn the pages. After we read a book she'll take it back to her room and get another one. I love it when I walk into her room and there she is, on the floor, with a book in her lap, slowly skimming the pages. Sometimes I catch her reading to herself, outloud, in her chinese-sierra language. It's so precious!

I also took some video of her in the bath, not because I needed more video of her in the bath, but because she was talking and I wanted y0u all to her some of the words she knows. She's learning new words everyday and she now knows the following:

  • Kitty (pronounced "Ki Ee")
  • Bath (pronounced "Bah")
  • Mom (pronounced "Mom-mom" or "Ma")
  • Dad (pronounced "Dah-dah" or "Day Ee")
  • Me
  • No
  • Nite nite (pronounced "Ny ny")
  • I'm gonna get you (pronounced "I git Oo")
  • Baby (pronounced "Bay Bay")
  • Light (pronounced "Lye")

I'm sure there's a few I missed, but you get the point.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Liam loved watching that video with me! Such a cute girl!

I only give Liam like 2 inches of water in the bath... he basically does cannon balls (stands then sits down really fast) in there and splashes HUGE waves, so I try to close the curtain so I don't get soaked.