May 28, 2006

Still in Mississippi

Well, I'm still in Mississippi. I don't leave here until June 23, 2006. It's only been one month and so much has happened in my life. My daughter, Sierra, cut her first tooth last week. My poor parents had to endure a couple sleepless nights while Sierra was in pain. I guess after the tooth finally popped out, Sierra immediately went back to her happy self. I'm so grateful for my parents and how wonderful they are. It should've been me who had two sleepless nights, although I'm sure I'll endure many more in the years to come. Oh, also, Sierra clapped her hands and actually made noise last week too. I guess she was pretty proud of herself and excited to know she could make noise like that.

In other news, it looks as though I'm not going to be married much longer. I'm surprised at how well I'm dealing with this, not to say that it's been easy. I've been going in and out of deppressive states. I know this isn't something I should post in a blog, but I blog so in the future I can look back and see what was happening in my life at that time. I think, no I know, that if I didn't have a great faith in Heavonly Father and His plan for me, that I would be much more of a mess. I've been praying every night and, even though I feel I don't deserve it, He comforts me and sends His Spirit to be with me.

I feel like the future holds many exciting things for me and I guess I can be happy to have a second chance. Although I love my husband, I can't make him love me. He's a good father though and I know he loves Sierra. This is good, because now I feel that my only priority and reason for being is my daughter. I want to give her the best life ever!


May 10, 2006

This Sucks

Well, I don't have much to say, but "THIS SUCKS." I'm here in Mississippi and it's very humid and the bugs are all over the place! I don't really feel like blogging right now, but I'll just say a few things. I miss my daughter, although mom and dad are loving her to bits. I miss my husband, even though he loves Arizona and there's no humidity there. I go home June 15th. That's it.