Sorry everyone
Sierra in the tub looking all grown-up.
So, it's been quite a while since I've blogged, and I apologize for that. I recently started school again and it has demanded a lot of my time...I mean, ALL my time. Sierra has grown signifacently since my last blog, as you can see in the following photos. Her mind has also been doing some growing and here are a few things she has learned or said in the past few months:
- She can read and say her alphabet.
- She can count to 20, although she usually skips 12 and 19.
- She can count things, like her toes or her fingers, etc...which is really impressive.
- She likes to tell me when things are "cute." Example: "Little toy, cute toy." Apparently all small things are cute.
- She likes to brush my hair and tell me that I'm pretty.
- She likes to brush Tony's hair, but he's not to fond of it.
- She tattles on Tony all the time and she always complains that he hit her (he swats at her harmlessly sometimes). After I kiss her "wound" she then tells Tony to go to Time-Out.
- Time-out is my choice of discipline with her and she really responds to it. She doesn't even try to get out of it and I don't let her until she says that she understands what she did wrong.
- She likes to swim like a fish in the bathtub.
- She's begginning to say "Mine" or "My" a lot. Ecspecially when other children approach me or climb on me, she'll say "My mommy!"
- She's extremely independent and likes to play with her blocks or read to herself...ecspecially inside her little tent in her room.
- She is really into cuddling now.
- She knows some Spanish, which is weird.
Okay, that's just a few things, I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment. Enjoy the pictures....