June 19, 2007

I'm not in the mood to write much tonight...long story, short, Sierra took a fun bath and then lounged on her favorite chair before going to bed. The end.


Daisy said...

She is so cute!! I love her little hair curl thing in the bath. How adorable!!

Have I told you the dates I'm going to be in Utah? I'm flying out there on July 14th and staying until August 4th. So we have to see each other sometime so I can see you and meet Sierra.

Oh and Jessica started a blog too!
Thought you might want to check it out. Leave her a comment too. I've been trying to update mine again too. I slacked off for a while but I'm back on track (kinda).

Gina said...

Dang that girl has SO MUCH HAIR!

Good luck at your working interview tomorrow! LOVE YOU!

Terry said...

Hi Heidi,
I am Gina's friend. I read on your blog that you think Boise is a great place to live. My husband will be finishing graduate school in about a year. We are seriously thinking about moving to Boise. I have read a lot of great things about it. I read a few bad things too. I read that the gridlock traffic is horrible. Also, that the sewers are bad and that the city stinks, especially around Napa. Someone said that Idaho is the 2nd smelliest state? What do you think does it stink there? Why do you like it? Is the water bad or anything? I am sincerely asking these weird questions because we really may move there. I don't know anyone there but I know Gina! Thanks, Heidi!

Sierra is so cute. Kids are so adorable in the bath. My girls have a chair like that and they sit in it the same way...I also have that exact same Bobby.