October 26, 2006

Daycare friends

As you know, Sierra is in daycare now. When I first started taking her there she would wimper a bit and not want me to let go of her when I dropped her off. Now, she pushes away from me and waddles off to the playroom as soon as we walk in the door. Usually her little friend Alexa is there to greet us with a shrill "hi!" Sierra instantly smiles when she spots Alexa. As Sierra is walking off I usually shout out, "Bye bye!" and she turns around momentarily to wave. Every once in a while I'll bend down, put out my arms, and say "Come give me some love Sierra." Then she'll waddle over to me, throw her arms around my neck, and pop one leg in the air, then she lets go and waves goodbye as she walks off (usually with Alexa right behind her).

1 comment:

Gina said...

Dropping them off is the pits, but it's so good for her social development. Liam gets excited to play with other people's toys too...

I need to take the camera and get video of when he sees me when I pick him up at the end of the day. They say, "Liam, your mom is here!" And he walks towards me with the biggest grins and waves both his arms to greet me! Makes me feel so special. Then I get a love bite on my shoulder and a pat too!