December 30, 2006

First Haircut

'Getting started' 'After a quick pause to grab a sucker for Sierra, the cutting begins' 'A snip, snip here and a snip, snip there . . .' 'here a snip, there a snip . . .' 'everywhere a snip, snip!' 'One haircut . . . 'and one ear-peircing later, and what do you get?' 'One very cute little girl!!'
Yesterday I decided it was time for Sierra to get a hair cut. Her hair would just hang in her face and whenever I put it up, she would pull out the hair thing and the hair would fall right back into her face. I got tired of watching her rub her eyes all day, so I knew it was time to make the big move and get the hair cut! I'm glad I did because now you can see her cute face and adorable dimples! On top of that I got her ears peirced and now she looks like the princess she is!


Gina said...

Wow! She looks so different! It won't let me click on the photo blow it up. I want to see her earrings! What a sweet princess!

longdistancegrandma said...

Me too! Get some more pictures up. Does her hair curl more now when it's wet?

Anonymous said...

pretty soon your going to have to start another site. this one has a lot of pictures already.
