March 01, 2007

I gave Sierra a bath and afterwards she decided to take all the toys out of the tub herself (after I started to dress her, but never got to finish). LIke most kids, Sierra loves to be naked! The other night she was pushing around her little mobile toy in the nude and it was the most hillarious thing I ever saw...Justin and I couldn't stop laughing. The funniest part was how proud she looked; like she had just gotten away with something.

After the bath it was dinner time, my favorite time (except for the part where I have to make the food). I wanted to take a few pictures because Sierra's beautiful curly hair looked so good!


Anonymous said...

That is funny you bathe her BEFORE dinner. Liam gets so dirt AT dinner that I have to bathe him afterwards sometimes. He is a morning bather, with me.

She is serious about her food. Not fair! Liam has become very picky and doesn't seem hungry at the table. I think the sitter packs him with snacks before he comes home at night.

Daisy said...

I LOVE that picture!!! Cameryn at 2 1/2 years old still loves to run around naked. She cries almost every single time I have to get her dressed. What a cute tiny little bottom.

Her hair is so cute and curly. Lucky!

Anonymous said...

she's the cutest heidi... but i only had one question, what is she eating i just can't tell???
