July 16, 2007

A Day in the Life of Tony

As the day begins Tony is excited and runs to the window to greet the sun and watch the people as they go to their cars.
Soon the little hairless one wakes up and tries to snuggle. There's not much to be done but to lay here and enjoy the attention, she's not so bad anyway.
The day is ending and soon the sun will be down. Oddly repelled by the light and completely nocturnal, venturing outside has to wait until darkness has arrived.
Okay, dark enough, now the real day begins...good night.
That ends the "A Day in the Life of Tony," now here is a cute picture of Sierra having breakfast in the bed....so spoiled!
The end.

1 comment:

Gina said...

What a funny story! Very cute!

Can't wait to see you tomorrow night!